Easter was way fun. Brigham and i got to make dinner and it turned out amazing. I was way impressed with his pineapple ham glaze...yeah..it was good. Also after a week of begging my cousin Ellie to steal a scotcharoo from her mom and having to do a pedicure in a campsite to get a bite of one(this was whole week ordeal with my whole family trying to get her to give one to us. I don't know if we really even wanted one..just wanted to see if she would ever get us one...ok we wanted them) I finally just made them. But alas, not as good as aunt Jaime's. I'm sure the special ingredient of love had something to do with them and how at Leo Carrillo everything tastes amazing, even with a little bit of sand. But easter was good and Brig (and i) got the third season of Arrested Development, props to Candice for finding the best show ever on sale. got to love target. we are way sad the shows over, but Lost will pull us through.

I also got to go see a play with my friend Stephani last night called, "power in his Touch." It was about the life of Christ, tied in with the whole story of the woman in the temple. you know the line, "ye who are free of sin shall cast the first stone." It was interesting to see her whole story and the music was so good. Also super nice to have friends in this new place! Thanks Steph!
Well, Brig is almost done with this semester, about two weeks to go and he is doing great! He says it's really hard, but he is so good at doing all his homework and studying for tests(so not like his wife) He has the great opportunity to go to summer school this semester(hoping he will read this and feel that way:)) and then after that, just two more semesters until graduation! Crazy, but it will be interesting to see where we will be.
Lot's of summer reunions this summer, so hopefully we will see you all soon, but between both sides of my family and brigham's family reunion, we will see what happens. Busy summer, busy lives, but we love it. Love you all!
Thanks for the post!! I think about you all the time! Glad things are going so good!!
Sounds like life is treating you well. I hope one of the reunions will be Urmston side so we can catch up. say hi to Brigham for us.
Courtney it was so good to see you over spring break. I am going to make a batch of scotcharoos just for you with extra extra love and put them in the mail! Give Brigham a hug from us down here and I hope we get to see you this summer. Love you Jaime
they are making an arrested development movie just FYI
the only "problem" they're having is getting George Michael to be in the movie...but I'm sure he'll cave, even with his "star status" he's recieved from Juno. just thought you might be excited to hear that :)
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