1. I love my mom because she is can accomplish anything. She is an amazing woman and anything she wants she gets. She is a hard worker and i look up to her so much for that. i try everyday to become more like her in that way. i know it's taking a while but i will get there.
2. I love my mom because she is beautiful. I think this is something that no matter how old she gets will ever change. From the time i was way little i remember sitting in church and wishing i could wear high heels like her and smell like my mom. I take such pride in the compliments i receive when people say i look like her.
3. I love my mom because she married my dad. I am thankful everyday to have the parents that i have. They are amazing and they work together as a team. I pray i will love someone as deeply as my mom loves my dad.
4. I love my mom because she is patient. Seven kids is hard, especially her seven. I haven't always been the easiest..in fact..i think i am the hardest(or so i am told) but she still listens to every sobbing phone call, still gives advice and still loves me no matter what shenanigans i am in.
5. I love my mom because she is funny. I don't think i have met anyone who laughs like my mom, expect for maybe a 90 year old man. It's so funny and she laughs all the time.
6. I love my mom because she is my mom. Out of all the women in the world, i was chosen to go to her. I am so grateful that she was chosen to be my mom, because she's the best.
7. I love my mom because she taught me the gospel. I don't ever remember a time when we didn't go to church. I don't ever remember a time she complained about a calling. She gives the lord her all and i see that everyday. I am grateful for her dedication and for the blessings our family has in our lives because of her.
8. I love my mom because she is such a great example.. In everything she does she teaches me to become better, whether it's money, the church, raising her children or making dinners she teaches me constantly and i love her for that.
9. I love my mom because she is smart. I swear she knows everything..even ask my dad. She is a genius in all areas and i admire that so much.
10. I love my mom because she loves me. even when i think that i could do no more wrong, that i have hit rock bottom she is there to help me pick up the pieces. She has been there through everything, school, boys, trials and so many errors and she still loves me and helps me through them. For this I think I love her most. When I feel like i have no friends in the world i can call my mom and she will always be there.
Happy Mother's Day to all moms, my aunts, my grandma's, my friends and my family, especially my mom. I wouldn't be here without you and i don't think i would make it without you. I love you mom!
What a beautiful Mother's Day gift. I love you and hope I can be the person you see me as.
Courtney you made me cry. What a sweet thing to do for your Mother! I love your momma too, she is great. I think you are lucky to have her, but I think she is lucky to have you too.
aw...so sweet.
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