We drove for two hours and pulled up into none other than BEAR WORLD!!! yes, there is a place in Idaho, (only in Idaho, may i add) called Bear World. At Bear World you get to drive around in your car in an enclosed area where various animals walk around, including Bears. It was a little scary, but fun at the same time. We saw so many animals; bears, wolves, buffalo, deer, goats, and Moosen(Brian Reagan anyone??)
The most fun part was getting to pet the deer and nasty little goats and feeding the cubs. They said feeding the cubs was a once in the lifetime opportunity so i learned that "Once in a lifetime opportunities" cost a lot of money!!! But i was worth it, i got to feed little bears with lambs milk out of a bottle.
Other than that fun trip, we got to spend time with his family, which was really nice. I am learning so much about how important picking a spouse is.(Not that i am getting married soon!!) but i never realized how much goes into picking one. One of the biggest decision making factors i am finding is their family. I am thankful that whomever i marry gets to be in such an amazing family. A little overwhelming at first, but amazing.
I also got to go to education week with my mom this year. It was so exciting to see her, i miss my family so much, and spending time with her was great. Classes were much better appreciated this year. i wasn't looking to catch a date or go to youth classes where all the boys were, (although every year I was very successful in doing so. haha!) i got to attend classes with my mom. It was a great experience. We also got to spend time with Matthew and Leslie and thir family. I adore that family and love going to see them. Grandma and Grandpa were there also and it was nice to get to see them one more time before they leave.
Well, this is way long and i am supposed to be listening to my Music and Culture teacher, so better sign off for now. I'll post the pictures next! Love you all!!
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Okay, education week is a blast and I hope it can be a tradition for many years to come. Iloved spending time with you. We need to convince other sisters to come hang out with us one of these years when it will fit into their schedule. Keep studying-Knowlege-you get to take it with you!!!!!!!!!
I was so glad to see a post!! I so want to know what is going on with you!! Looks like a fun time.
Love ya,
Aunt Amy
Thanks for sharing, Looks like fun. It was good to see you.
Love, grandma
hey shnee how was Idaho
see you later
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