Thursday, December 4, 2008

Old Man Turns the Big 2-7!

Brigham's 27th birthday was yesterday! Though he wasn't very excited and kept reminding me that he was turning 28 not 27, i was super excited. Birthdays weren't a big thing in my house, but i somehow got the overly social gene and i love any excuse for a party. I couldn't be there, so we are celebrating this weekend with his family and i am super excited! He called me last night saying he was alone and watching "Enchanted." ( I think he just put the movie on and said he was watching it to make me feel bad because he hates that movie more than anything, especially when i sing along with it) But in honor of my cute boy here's a little schpeel about him.

Brigham is super quiet and so when we first met, I thought he was way stuck up because he wouldn't talk to anyone. Luckily, he gave me a chance and we became really good friends.
When we finally started dating, he decided to put me in his phone as "Barely Legal" because i was 18 and he always teased me for how young i was. I then decided to put him in my phone as Old Man (hence the title) and although i am past the legal age of 18 i relish in the fact that he will always be Old Man.

Brigham is excellent at listening. I know my parents will be glad that soon they will no longer ev er have to hear about, boys, heartbreaks, or endlessly long pointless phone calls because Brigham will always be there. Lucky for them, but hope he can stand it. Luckily, he is also very patient with me, which is something that my dear mother has had to deal with for 20 years. She always did, but I'm sure on January 10th, she'll take a deep breath of air and some stress will disappear.

Brigham loves his family and love the gospel. It's so comforting to know that it will never be a fight to go to church and that my family will be together forever. He is so sweet to his mom and Grandma and is so polite and sweet to me. He cares about people and never says a bad thing about anyone and has to remind me constantly to stop saying things. (oops)

HE is an amazing person and I am so lucky that I get to be his wife soon. We have so much fun together and there is never a dull moment. He loves me unconditionally and I will forever be grateful to him for all he does.

Happy Birthday Briggy!! I love you!!